Tuesday, December 13, 2011

NYC Blackout and Looting of '77

Woo! Last painting of the semester!  Done in gouache, in a different style than I normally work in.  This was for a project in Peter Emmerich's class in which we had to illustrate, through sequential imagery, an important event in NYC history.  The style of this piece was heavily influenced by color scripts done for several recent Pixar movies.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Checking off final projects, one, by one, by one....

Musical Mousies for Sal! One of my favorite finishes of the semester for sure.

My first gouache painting!  This is about one of my favorite days at the dog grooming salon where I work.  This Komondor mix came in an absolute mess (although I admit I exaggerated his size and dirtiness a bit in the picture), and people crowded around the window staring in awe during the six or so hours it took to even remotely tidy him up a bit.  One of the coolest, and smelliest, dogs I have ever seen in all of my days.  I really do love the big ol' mop.

My oil painting for Kam's rendering class, I'm really happy with it.  I still need to touch up the hands and a few other things, but its mostly done.
EDIT1/18/12: touched up! I still can't look at those sausage fingers without cringing. I'll take this as a learning experience to always get the best reference possible on the first photoshoot.

Something about waking up in the morning...?  I kind of forgot where I was going with this but I'm content with the finish either way.

Finish of my Decemberists poster for my mentor, Robert Mackenzie.  It was wonderful to receive his input throughout doing this assignment.  He is a phenomenal illustrator as well as a phenomenal teacher, and I am so humbled and glad that I got to meet him.  Check out his blog at http://robert-mackenzie.blogspot.com/

Art Deco NYC travel poster assignment